Monday, January 26, 2009

CR on 60 Minutes

Last night a few CR Society members were featured on CBS' top news program 60 Minutes. The episode was brief and focused on Resveratrol being "easier" than CR despite some excellent results. It was billed as CR in a pill.

There were also a lot of the same tired old kooky CR Society executive members there. Not a single non-caucasian person or anyone younger than 50 seemed to be there. CR was highlighted as a constant state of hunger (which my CR is not). And the food choices of the Society members seemed to provoke discussion on being different and "weird". In my mind, the CR Society members focused on here were not at all representative of the people I know on CR nor were their eating habits. There is a wide variety of approaches to CR and that fact largely gets ignored. So does the fact that hunger does not need to be a major component of it.

As such, I'm advocating that people contact 60 Minutes and let them know about their take on the episode. At the very least we can let 60 Minutes know that it is a growing and important social trend that they (and CBS) should pay more attention to.

Here is their contact info:

60 Minutes
524 West 57th St.
New York, NY
(212) 975-3247

Some potential talking or discussion points (which include suggestions by RS - thanks):
  • unlike Resveratrol, there's a LOT of independent, disinterested lab research behind CR
  • CR is free, not costly like Resveratrol or other drugs would be
  • CR is here now, and not five years away (like Resveratrol)
  • it's an evolutionary adaptation, not a foreign chemical like the one Sirtris is developing for patentability - therefore, it's a natural approach unlikely to have unintended side effects
  • the CR represented in the segment does not represent CR overall
  • CR does not have to include excessive or uncomfortable hunger
  • CR teaches us to purposely feed ourselves and there is innate pleasure being closely linked to your food and often its production
  • CR is not just for longevity-crazed old men with attractive wives - there are some in their 20s like Matthew Lake

Well, this list could go on forever and you likely have your own ideas but at least I may have got you started.

Best of luck!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Adding Exercise

I think tomorrow I am going to start adding some exercise to my CR regimen. This is likely because cabin fever has set in with Winter being so cold. I even notice how the few minutes of extra sunlight each day are like an extra kiss of endorphins running through my body causing my cheeks to blush and feel warm.

Anyways, I was thinking I would start small and aim for 3 days a week at 20 mins to start and rise to 30 mins in a week or two. So that bit of cardio would give me a good idea of what to expect and if I could maintain the exercise and CR together.

If that goes well, I will likely add some weights too.

So, first thing tomorrow morning I'm adding exercise.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Great Bean Sprout Salad

Today I had a mung bean sprout salad that tasted really good. So good, I wanted to share the recipe:

2.5 cups of mung bean sprouts
1 matchsticked carrot
1/2 cup cucumber

mixed with a dressing of
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1/2 tbsp sesame oil
1/2 tbsp light soya sauce

I found it very tasty, fast to make and filling. Try it!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

CRON Meetup Groups?

I've wondered aloud lately as to whether the CR Society has meetup and support groups in major cities. I couldn't find any when I looked.

With such a wide variety of practitioners and approaches to CR, would it be possible? And with its relative simplicity how many meetings would people actually go to?

More importantly however I think it would be good in that it creates greater awareness, support, and acceptance of CR.

Most importantly, would you go to one?

My CRON-IC Badge of Honor

I challenge every CR practitioner who can read this blog to prove their are truly CRON compliant by posting their own "Badge" of Honor on their blog, or visiting the CRON calculator to see if you're compliant.

As I only recently started on a CRON lifestyle, I entered my goal weight instead of my actual weight. However, 1400 calories is a good reflection of my daily caloric intake. And, although it's true that I'm often more sedentary than lightly active, there is some fluctuation in activity level and calories but my aim is for approx. 30% Caloric Restriction through a combination of diet and exercise.

This "Badge" is a great sign of your understanding of CRON, which is often lacking from those who have not read deeply about CRON or lack the self discipline to achieve their goals.

Check out your CR % by clicking on the CR Calculator icon below!
CR Calculator

Monday, January 19, 2009

CRON - What is it to you?

For me, CRON is pretty easy to define.

I take my Basal Metabolic Rate and add calories for my activity level. Then I subtract 10% to 40% of the calories to arrive at a Calorie Restricted range of calories. You can use the CRON Calculator or other online tools to determine this quickly and easily. I personally aim for about 25%.

If you're not within that range... in my opinion, you're not following CRON.

I should also note that I would not allow my weight to drop below a BMI of 16. I would move to more of a maintenance caloric intake at that point as the I believe health gets worse at or below this BMI for males.

What really gets me though is people who say they are CRON followers but regularly take in large amounts of calories nowhere near that range. For small periods of time, I can understand that. However, on a regular basis - you are not following CRON and you likely need to face up to that and stop calling it CRON.

Matthew Lake has inspired me

As a lurker on the Calorie Restriction Society email discussion lists for some time I have found them well... dry. I like the science, debate, and the wonder of related topics. But, like Matthew Lake, I think there is something missing. I'm hoping I can tap into and change some of those things with this blog.

Thanks Matt!